Visiting Stanton Airfield with my roommate Robyn! Stanton Airfield is a really cool historic airport north of Mankato--check out their website at

Flight team fundraiser--we washed one of our faculty member's Cubs at his house. 10 people and one Cub equals a quick wash and wax!
Ryan: "No photos, please!"

Scott looking rather important

21Y's one-week visit turned into three weeks due to a combination of bad weather, and good weather for giving all those rides I had promised. Finally, on May 10th, it was time to head home. A delightfully smooth flight ensued, with great company in the form of my friend Todd and his Luscombe 8F.
Flying to Stanton one last time to get gas!

Rushford, MN: Skinniest pavement runway I've ever landed on--somehow made a sweet landing!

Cool planes!

Luscombe and the neighbors: cows! (I contemplated landing on the side of the runway in the grass if I wasn't comfortable--as you can see, it's not much of an option!)

Todd in the Luscombe

Some cool light by the Mississippi

The view from up here!

The office!

Sweet view. I LOOOVE this picture!

Flying down the runway at HXF

Photos of Cubs in dandelions at HXF (Jim Koepnick of EAA shot some remote photos of myself and Steve flying around as well, which was quite cool!)

Also, I got a ride in a Taylorcraft BC-12D! Neat airplane, but the wheels instead of sticks weirded me out at first.

So that's what I've been up to recently . . . I'm focusing on getting my Sport Pilot CFI in the next two weeks. I passed the Fundamentals of Instruction test last Friday with 100% and am now working on the sport pilot-specific knowledge test. I'm super excited about it, and I'm looking forward to paying it forward, and helping others pursue their dreams of flying. More on that later--just wanted to let you all know I haven't forgotten about this!